
Over the past few decades, gambling has emerged as a popular mode of entertainment for a substantial number of people around the world. Not really a new phenomenon, gambling has intrigued people from different countries, races and ethnicity from ancient times. In fact many of the modern games of chance trace back their origin from the ones that were played centuries ago. The '70s and '80s witnessed more and more people try their luck at various casinos in Las Vegas, also known as the 'mecca for gamblers'.

However it was the Internet revolution that lent a new facet to the popularity of gambling and gave it multiple dimensions. With the increasing popularity of the Internet and it's ever growing reach, several online casinos established shop to cater to a wide population of people wanting to have a great time and make more money sitting at home. Online casinos offer comfort, privacy, multiple payment options and a host of new games for users. Popular games like poker, sports betting, black jack and cards are actually quite the same with most online casinos, contrary to the perception among some quarters that the games played at online casinos are different from the ones enjoyed at traditional land based casinos.

Many online casinos also indulge in charity gambling which has been popular with land based ones for a long time. In charity gambling, popular casino games are overseen by a charity group and the profits go to the charity instead of the casino. There are several online casinos where charity gambling is a permanent fixture.

With a view to understand online casinos even better, they can be categorized into three kinds. Some of the casinos require the user to download a specific casino software in order to play. Most of the times, this software can be downloaded free of cost and offers real life-like graphics, excellent animation and sound besides a host of other features. The second kind of casinos use the JAVA. However, many people prefer to use the software that can be downloaded from the online casino websites.The third kind of online casinos use HTLM and do not require the players to download any special casino software.

Considering that the ever improving technology offers more and more to those using it, online casinos have not been left untouched by the fact. Several reasons can be attributed to the growing popularity of online casinos, despite the fact that land based ones have been catering to people for a much longer time. A big advantage of using online casinos instead of the traditional land based ones, is that one does not have to travel anywhere to enjoy a casino game, and the same can be done sitting in the comfort of home. Several online casinos also offer tempting bonuses to new customers, thereby adding substantially to their initial deposit. And not to mention the fact that online casinos outline rules and offer better payout percentages that are more gambler friendly as compared to land based casinos.

Win with the right online casino

There is not one but hundreds of online casinos marketing themselves aggressively on the Internet and wanting to take the lion's share of gamblers. It is however, the individual user who has to take the ultimate decision when it comes to putting his money. There are no 'written' or hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing the right casino. However, some basic criteria can definitely be of instrumental help.

It's always advisable to play at an online casino which has a track record of honesty and reliability. It is very important that the online casino has a legal license and clients do not feel uncomfortable with its functioning. Double checking the fact that there is no 'casino fee' and no hidden costs is advisable. Good casinos like www.21onlinecasinos.com and the like are reliable places to play and are known to pass on the winnings promptly to the players.

In a time when there is a big presence of elements wanting to hack information that travels on the Internet, it is also always advisable to choose an online casino that offers a secure server so that none of the personal information like age, address and credit card number is not leaked. A good online casino generally boasts of a good customer support and offers a real time chat or a toll free number.

One doesn't really has to be an expert in order to determine if a particular online casino is worth playing at. Just a little intelligent browsing should be enough to short list at least 3-4 popular and reliable ones.

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Blackjack is a gambling game of skill. Combine this factor with the fact that the game has low house edge, and you get one of the best casino games to play. By learning rules and strategies of the Blackjack gambling game, by mastering your skills you can improve your chances to win.

Standard multibox Blackjack gambling game is played with four standard decks of 52 cards. The goal of the game is to beat the dealer. First of all, learn to count cards. You need to keep up with the ratio of high cards to low cards in the deck. You have better odds to hit a blackjack when the deck is rich in tens, so you should increase your bets accordingly.

The fewer decks you play with, the better. This way the house edge is lowered.

If the rule "surrender" is applied, it is in Blackjack players' favor. This rule has 2 variations- "early" and "late" surrender, "early" is the best one.

Do not take insurance in the Blackjack gambling game, it has high house edge.

Available "dealer stands on soft 17" rule is favorable to players.

The Blackjack game rule that allows you double down after splitting makes your chances better.

You should always stand on "hard 17" or higher.

Split 7's against a dealer's card of equal or lower value; split 2's or 3's against a 4, 5, or 6; split aces and 8's, no matter what the dealer's up card is.

During the game try to stay calm, keep your mind clear. If necessary, take a break, have some rest so you will return to the table refreshed.

Always place a reasonable limit on the money that you are going to gamble with. Do not evere gamble with borrowed money. That is a golden rule for all gambling games including Blackjack.

Try your luck, hope for the best and have fun!

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In all of the games used for gambling, Blackjack remains the only one in which a participant can actually change his chances of winning during the game. Whether those running casinos wish to admit it or not, Blackjack does involve skill.

Blackjack System actually refers to a specific holding (two cards totalling 21). However, this is also the most common term for the game - also known as 21.

You are playing against the dealer at all times. Many people feel that you must play differently depending on where you sit at the table. This is not true. Players sit in a semi-circle around the dealer, but no matter where you sit, you are still playing against the dealer. You owe nothing to the other players - it is your own money you are risking.

In Blackjack System, the suits of the cards have no significance. Tens, jacks, queens, and kings all count 10. An ace counts 1 or 10 at the player's option. Cards from 2 to 9 have their face value. Therefore, if you hold a nine and a five, you have 14. A nine and an ace can be either 10 or 20.

The simple idea of the game is to get closer to 21 without going over than the dealer does. You are dealt two cards and the dealer is dealt two cards also - one always face up, and one face down. You are then given the option of standing with the cards you have ("stick" or "sticking") or you may be "hit" and be given another card ("hitting"). You may take as many cards as you wish to, but should you go over 21, you "bust" and the dealer wins automatically. The dealer will not take any cards until all players are through at taking cards. Thus the dealer's biggest advantage is here. Any players that bust, lose their bet - even if the dealer goes bust.

If you stay at 21 or under and have a higher total than the dealer, you win; if both you and the dealer hold cards equalling the same total, it is a "push" and you stay even (not winning or losing). If the dealer has a higher total without busting, he wins.

The pay off if you win is even money (one to one). If you get a "21" or "Blackjack" (21 in two cards) you are paid at a rate of 3 to 2 (bet $10 win $15). If the dealer gets blackjack at the same time, you push - all other players lose.

You may take "Insurance" when the dealer's first card is an ace. After all players and the dealer have two cards, he will ask "Insurance?". You may bet another 1/2 of your original bet. Payment is 2 to 1 if the dealer does get blackjack.

At this point, after each player and the dealer has 2 cards, he will start at the immediate right and see if the player wants a card (a "hit"). If yes, the player scratches the table with his fingers or cards towards himself. If not, he places his cards under his bet or makes a negative movement with his hand. Dealers respond to hand gestures only. If you go over 21 "bust" you turn your cards over (face up) and the dealer takes the cards and your bet. If you stay at 21 or under, the dealer will continue to the next player.

As we mentioned, an ace can be counted as a 1 or 11. When you have say an 8 and a 10, you have a "hard" hand. However, an 8 and an ace gives you a "soft" hand. Because you have a soft 19 or a hard 9 if you count the ace as a one.

The dealer on the other hand does not get these options. When all players are through, the dealer turns face up his hole card. He must take a card if he has 16 or less. He must stand (in most casinos) on a hard or soft 17.

Most players try and guess what the dealer has and look at the other cards on the table before deciding to hit or stand. Most players also never win at Blackjack.

At this point, you should understand how the game is played. The following is your best strategy as determined by computer testing:

- Always hit when you have 11 or less.

- Always stand with a hard 17 or more.

On a hard hand: When the dealer's up card is from 7 to Ace, draw if you have 12 to 16. When the dealer's card is 2 to 6, stand on 12 to 16 except if the dealer's card is a 2 or 3, in which case you would draw.

On a soft hand do the following: Always draw to a soft 12. Stand on 18 except when the dealer has a 9 or 10 value card. Stand on 19.

In most casinos, you may double down (double your bet) after your first two cards.

On a hard hand: Always double with 11, with 10 except if the dealer has a 10 or ace, with 9 against the dealer's 2 to 6 up card.

On a soft hand: With ace 2 to ace 7 double against dealer's 4, 5, or 6. Also with ace 6 against 2 or 3 and ace 7 against 3.

Another play is the splitting of pairs. If your first two cards of the deal are the same value, you may place a bet the same as your original, and play two hands.

Always split ace-ace, and 8-8. Never split 10-10, 5-5, or 4-4. Split other pairs only when the dealer's card is 2 to 6. These rules may seem complicated and difficult. However, after playing at home, this basic strategy will require no concentration.

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Blackjack is by far the most played casino card game in world. It is a simple game, and a game that can be beaten with the correct strategy. The objective of blackjack is to beat the dealer by obtaining a hand valuing more than the hand of the dealer without exceeding 21. A hand valuing 21 is often called a 'Blackjack'.

In the game of blackjack all the numbered cards are valued at their face value. Jacks, queens, and kings all value 10, and an ace values either one or eleven, whichever value works best for the player.

On a typical blackjack table, there is one dealer and up to six players. Before the cards are dealt the player must make a wager of any amount up to the table limit. Once all of the players have made a wager the dealer will deal each player two cards face up. The dealer will also deal himself two cards - one face up and the other face down. At this point the player is given a number of different options, which include hitting, standing, doubling, splitting, or buying insurance.

If a player decides to hit this means the player would like to be dealt another card. A player can hit as many times as he or she chooses with exceeding a hand valuing 21. If a players hand exceeds 21 this is referred to as busting, and if you bust you automatically loose. The player's second option is to stand. By standing a player is stating that he or she is happy with the value of their hand, and does not choose to be dealt another card.

If by chance a player is dealt a hand of two cards of the same value he or she can elect to split the pair into two separate hands. If a player decides to split, the wager amount remains the same for both hands and each hand is played separately. In the situation that the player believes his or her hand is a winner the player can double down. By doubling the player is deciding to double the wager amount and to be dealt one additional card. On the contrary when a player believes his or her hand could loose because the dealers up card is an ace, the player can choose to buy insurance. Insurance protects players from a dealer blackjack.

Basic strategy suggests that players should only play against the dealer, and not pay to much attention to the other players on the table. By observing the cards dealt to the other players it is possible to gain an edge on the casino by using card counting techniques. Card counting is not necessarily difficult but it can get confusing if you take into consideration the speed of the game. It is always recommended for beginners to learn the blackjack strategy tables very well before even considering card counting.

Blackjack strategy tables are just basic tables that outline the correct mathematical course of action for any given hand. Typically there are three different blackjack strategy tables. The soft hand table is used if a player has a hand with an ace valuing one, the hard hand table is used if a player has a hand with an ace valuing eleven, and the double down table is used to decide if the doubling option works for or against the player.

Players using the strategy tables have a great advantage over players that don't. Blackjack is a game of strategy and with easy to use tables that guide your play there is no reason why you can't beat the casino. The players that win the most stick to the strategy tables and never make decisions based on luck alone. Just believe in the tables and you will eventually win also. Don't you want to break the online casino?

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If you're a Blackjack player or striving to become one, it won't be long until you hear about counting cards-if you haven't already heard.

Counting cards in Blackjack will give the good Blackjack player better odds to come out ahead in the long run. It's not some super-secret formula for winning millions of dollars at Blackjack overnight.

Also, when you count cards, you're just trying to get a read on what type of cards are left in the deck and not trying to guess what exact card is due next-ala the Rain Man.

Here's the basic premise. When there's a great chance that big cards will come out, the win meter swings to your favor. When there's a great chance that small cards will come out, the win meter swings harder to the dealer.

So, the ideal situation is one in which lots of large cards are left in the deck and in which the probability of those cards coming out is greater. When this happens, you bet larger than normal.

And that's really the main philosophy. When there are greater numbers of small cards left, reduce your wager. When there are greater numbers of large cards left, bet bigger. That doesn't mean you bet $5 on one hand and $5,000 the next. A typical swing might be $5-$15. But, you'll need to decide this for yourself.

Counting cards doesn't work online. Why? Well, online casinos shuffle their deck(s) for each hand-unless noted somewhere. Since they do this, counting is of no value.

In the real world, you'll typically find that counting pays off as decks get smaller. But here's the catch. To count successfully, you must be able to see all the cards. That's right. If the player next to you just tosses in his or her card face down, you've lost an edge. The more it happens, the worse your count will be.

Let's dispel one false misconception about counting cards right now. You don't need to be a math genius to do it. Can you count from 0 to 2 and from 0 to -2? If so, you're talented enough. All you need to do is practice.

The first time you go out to count, it's best to play with a small table. Also, if you can find a game that deals the cards face up, you'll have an easier time learning.

Remember, counting cards by itself does absolutely nothing. If you're a poor Blackjack player, counting cards won't help you win. In fact, it can help you lose more money and faster. Counting cards in Blackjack is a tool to aid those who understand the game and can play it properly.

How do you count cards? We'll go over that in another article.

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Blackjack is a game that is geared to the house or dealer in a variety of ways. A player must go first and if they go bust their stake goes to the dealer even if he or she subsequently goes bust. Players have always tried to find a way to beat the system and card counting in blackjack is one of the most common strategies used.

Card counting is a system or strategy used mostly in blackjack games, it takes a lot of practice to do however it can be used in other card games. The principal of card counting has been around since live blackjack started, and as soon as the game moved online as soon so did the card counters. Card counters try to memorise the cards that have come out so they can lower the casino edge by having a good clue which card will come out next, hoping to eventually memorise the order of each card in the deck. For example knowing if all of the high cards already been dealt out would logically lead you to believe the remaining cards are of lower values.

Card counting was often easier during an online game as no one was watching you as long as you are quick to memorize the card or write it down - games give a limited amount of time to respond with hit or hold. Many have used this to their advantage and learned online before taking their skills into real casinos.

This is a risky strategy to use in a land based casino as unlike virtual casinos staff will be on the look out for card counters and though not illegal the casinos owners may ask you to leave.

So how has the latest gambling craze live webcam games responded to prevent players counting cards. Common methods include using multiple packs of cards, splitting the deck into 2 and shuffling them far sooner than it would happen during a game in a real casino. Casinos can often deliberately hide the remaining decks to put off card counters.

It must be noted that card counting takes effort but is it rarely worth it; firstly you have to have a fantastic memory, and statistically it gives a 1% advantage to an experienced player under the best circumstances. Yet this is still not enough or only just enough to cancel out the house advantage in most cases.

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It is not a secret for anyone that casinos do not like blackjack counters and frequently ask them to leave or to play another game. Here, we will describe how casino management detects counters and how to act when caught. We also describe the countermeasures that casinos use against skilled players but most of all we show you how to count cards while not getting caught.

Do Casinos Object?

Most casinos have strict policies that ban any player from counting cards when playing blackjack, but some like those in New Jersey do not pay any attention to such players.

How Do You Know Whether A Casino Minds?

You do not. But you had better act as if they all do and thus save yourself the embarressment of being shoved out if they do mind and if they catch you red-handed.

How to Count Without Getting Detected?

Always keep in mind that since card counting is something that one does silently, the only method to detect it is through observing you and the manner you play. Thus, look out for the following:

1) Do not stare at the cards of other players. Glance once, count, and then move on.

2) Do not stare at the cards that have been discarded. Look quickly and then slowly move away by shifting your gaze nonchalantly from player to player.

3) Change your pattern of betting occassionaly.

4) Change the amount of betting money each round.

5) Even though you know it, loose a round or two. Do not bet big on those rounds. But likewise do not bet too small too. If the casino notices that you are always winning big and losing small, they might get suspicious.

6) Buy chips of different colours and then mix them around while playing to confuse the dealer.

7) Talk to the other players while playing, but this is especially difficult so practice this at home before trying it at a casino.

8) Pick your seat carefully: either the first chair or the third one so that you won't have to twist your head around as the cards are dealt.

9) Dress casually because smart and elegant clothes cause the dealers to think you are intelligent and they might watch you more closely.

10) Order an alcoholic drink and pretend to sip it because they are looking for those non-drinkers who are staying sober to count the cards.

The common denominator of all these is that you must never forget that the casino si watching you and how you play. Act accordingly!

Supposing that the Casino Catches On, What Should you Do?

Stay calm if the casino catches you counting cards and abide by their wishes quietely. Do not make a fuss. If they ask you to leave, do so. The faster you leave, the easier it will be for you to return later. Remember that if you make a fuss, they will all remember you, so desist from any unfriendly behaviour. Note that after shifts change, the new personnel won't know you so all you have to do is wait for that and then you can start playing again. You could also just enter the next casino and start earning money there instead of risking casino personnel from recognizing you.

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What is the present situation in the sphere of war between the counters and players? Are there people to follow nowadays? Fortunately, despite great changes in the game itself and in the counteraction of casinos players, blackjack is till alive and very popular. Thanks once again to Edward Thorp.

Now we are living in Internet era. If Uston at his time was able to stand apart from the crowd only due to his self-spin off and publicity, now everyone can easily communicate with blackjack stars.

Peter Griffin - is a great mathematician, blackjack theory developer, now the deceased. No expert of black jack would utter a word without referring to Griffin. Arnold Snider is a prominent player, strategy developer, the author of many books. A man of an excellent soul with a perfect sense of humor, always contradictory. Stanford Wong as always a little reserved and a bit of introvert, but extremely scrupulous and always fighting against the casino. Don Schlesinger was able to explain the most intricate detail of blackjack in simple and clear language.

Internet abounds in many resources where you can meet the greatest world players and ask them any question you like. There are still so many questions left unsolved.

A lot of unique books were published; new systems and game techniques are being developed. Every day gambling forums answer and ask thousands of questions. The players are getting more educated, intelligent and well-prepared. In spite of evident worsening of the rules, blackjack still can be won.

Casino is more and more paranoiac to "Advantageous" players. Attempts to worsen rules and terms of the game even to the prejudice of their own reputation and profits, mass blacklists, efforts to legalize beneficial for them laws - all these are not only American. During half-century of the struggle, the casinos did not understand that they are cutting their own throat. The fact that you can win at blackjack attracts so much money. More than 1% of world players are hardly of any risk to casinos. However aiming to save every single dollar, the casinos are spending millions of dollars on the most advanced computer technologies, programs for personality identification, computer databases, they are creating new devices for fighting the counters. Moral ethical norms are often violated and the legal limits are abused.

Happy end.

What future holds for an ordinary counter? There are only two opposite opinions so far.

The gloomy one:

Technologies will kill the game. The casinos will develop some electronic dirty trick that will not allow a professional competent player gain an advantage. Blackjack will die away turning into another slot-machine. The casinos will poke on all the players, all the blacklists will be united into a common one and the game on advantage will cease to exist.

The optimistic one:

"What one person has built, the other can easily dismantle". Blackjack just can't get away from it!

First, the players will always continue to invent something new responding to the changes in the game. There is no such thing created by a person, that can't be overdone by another person. Second, casinos finally should realize that major part of their profits is due to the theory that blackjack can be won. Transformation of this intellectual game into fighting with stupid slot-machine will deprive casinos of the money.

Personally I hope that human intellect will win. Let the war between the casinos and players continue for ever. Let both parties rack their brains how to beat each other. Let this struggle be vehement, but honest and respectful to the rival.

Intellect will always win.

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Another little known name of great influence on blackjack Keith Taft. He was an engineer, computer specialist and inventor, he created his first blackjack computer in 1970, before Ken Uston appeared on the stage, just four years after the publication of the second Thorp's book that encouraged him for this work. This computer named "George" was used by Uston's teams.

Consider the fact, that at that time, there were not computers at all, to say nothing of miniaturization. The first version used 16bite processor, manually made memory and manually wired-in program. Assembly work and debugging took two years. He protected his device with copper screen from possible clutters and hid it in his boots. At first he was very lucky, but then he lost a great deal. It made him give up independent playing. Keith thought of writing a book, but then contracts with professional players came his way. After a few years the market offered more powerful computing devices.

The basis of the other device was Z80 processor. Keith built it in the pocket calculator. This version of "George", later renamed as "David", caught Uston's eye. Keith together with his brother made several such computers for his team. They doubled their capital in a week. Trebled in two weeks. Then they were caught, the money and the computer were confiscated. By the way, Uston's lawyer in the case was Oscar Goodman - now he is effective mayor of Las Vegas.

In the upshot the project broke down. And a new one emerged with more sophisticated and secret devices but now without Uston. More complicated computers required new processors and larger memory. New investments from the players and "Thor" project made good money for Taft and gamblers. Moreover, this computer remained unnoticed in the casinos. Keith created protection system which in fact repeats the concept of modern "electronic key".

Then he developed "7-Up" scheme which connected 7 (!!) players at the table into the network. Each had a computer and they were united into the network. Just think - this guy - created computer networks!!!! It was 1982! Before Microsoft these people managed computer severs...

Then video cameras appeared. Keith started applying satellite and radio signals. Then again a failure, arrest and accusation of fraud. Charges were again dismissed. A new hi-tech project followed.

Finally when the usage of computers was deemed illegal in the USA, Keith stopped playing blackjack. Now he is living in his house and is working in his laboratory. I wonder, on what?

Things get easier when done together.

Blackjack boom in 70-80-s, public description of team playing methods lead to creation of the biggest blackjack teams. The most famous, probably was the team of Massachusetts technological Institute or MIT Team. The idea was innovative - instead of hiring people with money, the operators of the team trained the students of playing the game and offered blackjack as summer earnings during their vacation. They almost posted announcements in the lecture rooms saying "Blackjack players wanted!"

At first he team was small, however the management drew great funds from outside investors and project became very large. These young guys and ladies lived a double life - five days a week attending the lectures and eating in the campus canteen and on the weekend flying to Las Vegas, betting on 10 thousand dollars in the box, living in luxury apartments and driving in limousines at the expense of casinos.

This is possibly the most highly qualified team in all history of blackjack. In a few years they have won about 10 million dollars. Then everything went pear shaped. First, the risk on the casino's side increased. There was spying on the players, soon it was found out that they were students of MIT and then their names were added to the blacklist all over the country. Besides, the casinos were more aware of team game principles and each big player immediately came under observation.

But it is not the most terrible. A prick was in the team. One of the players betrayed for "the thirty pieces of silver" all the members of the team to the casino security service. Moreover, part of the money was simply stolen. It caused the breakdown of the team. Though it revived in different new forms, they were not so successful as before. However, as the rumors circulating, you can come across some interesting announcements in the institute...

Former founders and managers of the team now are very famous people. Semyon Dukach is in sales and purchase of Internet companies, conducts seminars on blackjack and Andy Bloch became a professional poker player.

Team playing, regardless of its pros has a lot of cons of administration nature. It requires great investments into the risky business. That's why 99% of team playing efforts end up in a financial catastrophe.

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Mathematical developments of the game pioneers and creation of simple and efficient counting systems incited the appearance of a great galaxy of professional players and experts of blackjack.

Revere invented a new simple counting system and first described the method of reducing the current score to the real one. Stanford Wong amplified and improved Hi-Lo system, and also developed the Halves system. Lance Humble, Brison, Gordon, Harvey Dubner, - all these giants made a great contribution to the development of the methods of the game.

In late 70s the professional gambler Al Francesco, probably created the first blackjack team in history. He hired the enthusiasts, taught them Lawrence Revere's counting system and sent them to play. He invented and put into practice the principle of "BIG PLAYER" - when the part of the team is humbly playing low and some drunken and wealthy fish makes high bets on the given signals.

Ken Uston also belonged to this team. Uston was the vice president of fund stock exchange at that time. However after meeting Revere he quitted the stock exchange and changed his strict outfit for magnificent bush of hair, golden chains and silk shirts with huge collars in the style of that time.

Uston played for Francesco's team for quite a long time and with varied success, but his ego did stand it under the pressure of his own ego. He had a very high opinion of himself and wanted to be the first in everything. He left Francesco and wrote several books about his adventures. The books simply exploded the gambling world.

The book "BIG PLAYER" revealed the secrets of team game. The Book "Million Dollar Blackjack" is stuffed with unbelievable stories in intervals explaining the technical aspects also presents different cards counting systems. Uston made people believe that one can beat casino playing blackjack. Win a lot. Millions of dollars. Also everyone found out how casinos react to the professional gamblers - slams, insinuations, blacklists, crooked gambling, false accusations. Uston was in the blacklists all over the world, having won with his several teams about 8 million dollars.

By the way, Al Francesco and many other players are still dissatisfied with Uston's actions who decided to publish the methods of the game which were then available only to the few. But Uston would not be himself if he had not done it.

The next outburst of his popularity was in early 80s, when Ken won the case against a casino in New Jersey (Resorts International Hotel Inc.). Since then no casino of this state (unlike, for example, Las Vegas in Nevada) is not eligible to prohibit playing to person who can count cards. On the other hand, this verdict made the rules in Nevada much worse than in Vegas.

The next wave of the struggle between the casino and counters relates to Uston's era. The casinos understood, that well-financed team of pros can cause great losses. And then the multidecked games, frequent riffle were coming into fashion and several good rules just died away. There appeared special detective agencies who spied on the professional players, collected the necessary information about them and distributed it among the casinos.

Uston created new methods of the game, used makeup, recruited more and more people in his teams and started playing abroad. He also was writing new books, was starring on TV, was writing new articles, was developing new counting systems. By the way Ken, wrote the book on optimal game strategy for Pac-Man (arcade video game). It's a video game not for money, he was just interested in it.

One of the most scandalous Kenny's projects was creating the team against the casino with using the computer. They used hidden on the body and in the shoes micro chips that calculated the current situation in the game more precisely than any other "human" strategy and gave the necessary signals to the player. His teams almost broke several casinos, but in a while they were caught, arrested and accused of fraud, the computer was confiscated. However, the experts including FBI experts, proved that there was no fraud and the accusations were withdrawn. In two weeks the Supreme Court of the USA of Nevada State made the usage of computing devices in casinos illegal...

Kenny was a good guy, the heart of the company, first class jazz musician, loved by women and press. He had great plans on making a film, writing new books, arranging one more trial, and surely new projects on blackjack. His life was suddenly interrupted in 1983 and the version that casinos are privy to his death is not cast back yet.

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